Insurable persons:
Persons who do not possess Austrian citizenship and who did not hold permanent residency in Austria prior to departure are insurable during their stay in the Republic of Austria. The maximum age is 74.
There is a particularly attractive premium for individuals between 12 and 35 years of age who are staying in Austria for the broader purpose of training and further education courses. (students, language school participants, language students, language school/course visitors, guest scientists, Working Holiday, Work and Travel, au pairs, interns, volunteers.)
Scope of insurance coverage:
The insurance is only valid during a limited stay in Austria.
HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG
Siegfried-Wedells-Platz 1
20354 Hamburg
Duration of coverage:
The minimum contract period for a Care Austria foreign insurance policy is 1 month. The maximum duration of insurance coverage is 364 days, including all extensions.
Care Austria
In brief